Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Do We Have To Live With Jihad?

I was reading an article by time which I would like to comment on. The article is available for everyone to read, however, for those of you that don't want to go there, I will sum it up for you. The article is about "Generation Jihad," and you probably can guess what it's referring to without me explaining it to you.

The reporters are trying to understand the latest terrorist trend, of using home grown terrorists. These terrorists are attacking the countries they once called home, even killing their neighbors for Allah. The reporters spoke with many people, mainly from Europe, about the situation there. They all seem to be saying the same thing, that Muslim youth are turning to extremism. The reasons many give for this is because they are frustrated and upset that Muslims are being mistreated around the world, and the West isn't helping them. Therefore the Muslim youth become jihadists so that their voices should be heard. The article ends off saying, "If the world hopes to understand - let alone overcome - the anger that roils Europe's young Muslims, it had better start to listen."

It is interesting to note that in the article, the last sentence isn't in quotations, rather it is the view of the reporters. I'm not sure if they are just trying to scare the nation, or perhaps threaten the free world on behalf of the terrorists. Either way, it's not very comforting, knowing that these people, who try to shape the opinions of many Americans, believe that the only way to win is by listening to terrorists. History has shown us countless times that appeasement doesn't work, it never did, doesn't today, and never will. Terrorists will forever terrorize people whenever they have the chance.

It is a popular belief, in this country and abroad, that our counterterrorist activities are causing the rise in terror attacks. Did these people forget that the war on terror began as a result of terrorists (repeatedly) attacking us, and the free world, for no reason? Do they really believe that if we were to ease up on the terrorists and allow them to operate unhindered that they would let us live in peace?

I don't think anyone can find a fire chief anywhere in the world that would tell you that his department doesn't fight fires aggressively. That they believe that the fire won't consume anything if you allow it to do whatever it wants to without bothering it. Every child knows that the only way to put out a fire is with water, lots of water. The terrorists will not relent because we give them space to operate freely, on the contrary. The only way to stop it is by making sure they don't have the opportunity to recruit, train and carry out acts of terror. That cannot be done by listening to them, because they only speak of hate. It is hard to comprehend how people would be willing to allow terrorists to prosper, falsely believing that it is in our best interest. At least we are lucky that these people aren't charged with the defense of our country.


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