Wednesday, May 24, 2006

English 101

A big problem we face with illegal aliens is their inability to master the English language. However, it doesn't need to be this way. The reason that they don't learn English is because we allow them to get around using their native language. If we were to speak only English then they would be forced to either learn the language or not be able to survive in this country.

This isn't a theoretical plan, it is based on facts. A friend of mine went to Russia for a year. When he left he wasn't able to read or write Russian, and could barely speak a few words. He assumed that since English is the international language, that he would be able to get around just fine with English. He was in for a surprise. Whether or not the locals actually understood English and pretended that they didn't, or if they truly didn't understand, is unknown. But this caused my friend to come to the realization that you can't live in a foreign country and not know the language. By the time he left he spoke a fluent Russian (with an American accent), because he realized that without it he wouldn't be able to survive there.

Perhaps if we were so accommodating to illegal aliens (legal visitors not included) a big part of the problem would be solved. Many would learn to speak the language and assimilate somewhat into our culture or leave. Sounds like a plan to me, now we need to convince the politicians (yeah, right).


At 5/24/2006 10:50 AM, Blogger Brooke said...

Amen, Brotha!

And nothing help one learn better than the immersion method!

At 5/24/2006 4:54 PM, Blogger WomanHonorThyself said...

tru tru...but no we have the other extreme..u call a company and get..PRESS 2 for English!..ridiculous!

At 5/24/2006 7:36 PM, Blogger 3pillars said...

Maybe we should be happy that they offer us that option. Soon they might be only in Spanish.

At 10/04/2006 12:43 AM, Blogger yoniQua said...

i agree - ive seen the same case in israel. those of us who go intending to speak in hebrew do quite well. whereas those who tend to go with the intention of getting around with broken hebrew at best, but with mostly english, never learn the language and very limited culture as well.


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