Sunday, February 12, 2006

Cartoon Fury

The violence over the Mohammad cartoons is already old news. Muslims all over have been rioting over the publication of cartoons of their prophet Mohammad. Perhaps the cartoons were in bad taste by portraying Islam as a religion that preaches violence. After all, Islam is a religion of peace. Or is it?

There are "extremists" who kill innocent people in the name of Islam, in the name of Allah and Mohammad. If Islam is a religion of peace then these radicals are distorting the religion and the impression the world gets of the religion. Yet, I can't recall demonstrations where Muslims are rioting that the killings be stopped. If that is the case, then these Muslims who are now demonstrating and rioting must approve of the actions of "a few extremists." Which leads me to think that perhaps those cartoons are pretty accurate.

Kinda gets you thinking.


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