Monday, January 30, 2006

Freedom of Speech

This is something which has been bothering me, and I wanted to post about it last week. However, I was trying to find an audio clip to go with this post, but I can't find it, sorry. The audio clip was of Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) literally screaming how she's fed up with being called unpatriotic for opposing the administration. She said that people have the right to protest against the administration when they feel the need.

It's very comforting to see that our senators are out there protecting our rights, in this case the right of free speech. However, if this is something that all liberals believe in (such as bashing the Bush administration), then why don't they allow others the freedom of speech? No, I don't mean in Iraq, I mean here in the United States of America.

I read this blog which promoted abortion based on the equation that freedom=choice. To me that isn't a valid reason to abort a pregnancy. Because if freedom=choice and murder=choice, does that mean that freedom=murder? Afterall, if A=B and B=C, then A=C. Whether or not this equation is true, as I'm sure many people will say that it isn't for various reasons, is a discussion in itself. It is a discussion that I will mention some day, but not now. My question for today is why am I not allowed to express my views? When I posted a comment on this person's blog with my opinion it was deleted. The delete button is there so that if someone posts an offensive remark, one which is racially biased, for instance, then the blogger can delete it. The delete button was not meant to restrict people's freedom of speech.

There isn't much I can do about what happened because it wasn't my blog and I have no control over it. I will not repost my comment because there is no need to - the message was seen. I have no intention of forcing people to keep comments on their blogs, every blogger can do as they wish on their blog. They can delete whatever they want whenever they want, that's part of freedom. However, I just find it a bit hypocritical that someone who is so concerned about freedom would not allow another person to express their views. I just can't figure it out.


At 2/01/2006 11:55 AM, Blogger Shayne said...

I think it's been proven that liberalism is mired in contradiction and hypocracy. "Freedom of speech" to a democrat is vastly different than to a Republican (or anyone else for that matter).

The problem is, you can never argue their position because that would make you facist or a Nazi.

At 2/01/2006 11:57 AM, Blogger Shayne said...

By the way, welcome to the RepubliJews web ring!


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