Sunday, November 06, 2005

A Lonely Person

When the US invaded Iraq, French president Jacques Chirac opposed the move. He was against the idea of imposing our beliefs on other people. That caused alot of friction between France and the USA. Americans started despising the French and their products, just as much as the French despised Americans and their products. But now they stand alone, without the Americans and without the Muslims.

The French first rubbed shoulders with their friends, the Muslims, when they banned them from wearing religious garb to public schools. The ban wasn't directed at Muslims exclusively, however they threatened to attack France if the law was passed. Apparently they were waiting for an excuse to attck France. They found an excuse ten days ago.

French police came to investigate a crime scene and three youths thought the police were coming for them, the police deny it. Believing the police were after them they started to run. They found a place to hide in a power substation where they were accidentaly electrocuted. I've seen police many times, I never ran from them, I'm not afraid of police. That's because I'm a law abiding citizen. Only criminals have reason to run from law enforcement officials. So why were these youths "running from police?" What crime did they do? What were they trying to hide? But that doesn't matter, what matters is that the Muslims found an excuse to declare war on France.

Since then violent riots have been spreading throughout the country. Every day in seems to grow to other cities, and the damage done is climbing steadily. Last night about 1,300 cars were torched, up from about 900 the night before. Police and firefighters were attacked with baseball bats and pickaxes. Last week, paramedics were stoned when they attempted to treat a patient who was ill; their ambulance was set ablaze. Schools were torched, businesses looted, cars destroyed. The picture at left shows a nursery that was burned, and the roof collapsed. Burned toys were scattered on the ground beneath some pictures of school children which remained hanging on the wall.

The French demanded the army be broght in or they be allowed to take up arms to defend themselves. The French government, however, is not allowing militias. What are these people supposed to do? The government isn't putting a stop to the violence and doesn't allow them to put a stop to it. Does this mean that the end of France is near? How many more nights will it take for these hoodlums to burn down the entire country?

In cities where unemployment is above 20%, a family car can mean a lot to them. Imagine what they are going through now when they wake up in them orning and find their car torched? Imagine yourself, as someone who makes a nice living and has a nice house. What would your reaction be to finding your car torched in the morning? Why is this happening? Because Muslims are being allowed to vent their rage and humanity. It must be stopped if we wish to perserve democracy.


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