Friday, December 09, 2005

Food for Thought

The views expressed in a comment on yesterdays post, are no doubt shared by many people aside from Joe. There are, however, a few misunderstandings which I wish to clarify. Perhaps then the post will be understood.

I think there are two main points that need clarification. The first one is that
Joe obviously has mistaken my identity. He calls me a fundie, which implies that I am a Christian. That will also explain his last sentence, "Geez, way to make my side look bad." Because in his view we are on two different "sides," meaning two different religions. If the reader will read some of my previous posts it will be quite obvious that I am a Jew. Therefore, your "side" is my "side," too. We are both on the same team.

Second, even if I were to be a Christian, does that not mean that I don't know what God wants? "Such hubris, to think YOU of all people know God's will!" If the Bible says something explicitly, then regardless of your religion, that is God's will, and will forever remain God's will no matter what anyone does, or tried to do about it. It is a fact that will not change, just as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West always and will never rise in the West and set in the East. That's the way God created the world, and that's the way it's going to be for everyone.

In addition, although the
comment doesn't say this clearly, I nevertheless get the feeling that when Joe writes that he's "a Jew who supports Israel," he actually means to say that he supports the Israeli government. Which brings me to this question: If in a few years the Palestinians have a majority population in Israel, and a Palestinian is elected Israeli Prime Minister, will you continue to support the Israeli government in all their decisions? If you would not support that government, why should you support everything the current government is doing if it is harming Jews and harming our sovereignty in our land?!
Just a little something to think about over the weekend. Shabbat Shalom to all.


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