Thursday, December 08, 2005

A True "Genius"

Today the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Israel should move to Europe. If you read the article you will see that his reasoning is that since Germany and Austria killed millions of Jews, they should now accomodate them. However, his argument has so flaws to it, that it is amazing to see a leader of a country make such foolish comments.

Raanan Gissin, a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, said in Tel Aviv that Ahmadinejad was voicing "the consensus that exists in many circles in the Arab world that the Jewish people ... do not have the right to establish a Jewish, democratic state in their ancestral homeland."

"Just to remind Mr. Ahmadinejad, we've been here long before his ancestors were here," Gissin said. "Therefore, we have a birthright to be here in the land of our forefathers and to live here. Thank God we have the capability to deter and to prevent such a statement from becoming a reality."

White House spokesman Scott McClellan said: "It just further underscores our concerns about the regime in Iran and it's all the more reason why it's so important that the regime not have the ability to develop nuclear weapons."

The Bible clearly states that the land was promised to Abraham, his son Isaac, and his son Jacob. Genesis Chapter 17 God promises Abraham a son with Sarah. Verse 18-19: "And Abraham said to God, 'O that Ishmael might live before you!' God said, 'Nonetheless, your wife Sarah will bear you a son and you shall call his name Isaac; and I will fulfill my covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his offspring after him.'"

What is that covenant? Genesis 17:8: "and I will give to you and to your offspring after you the land of your sojourns - the whole of the land of Canaan - as an everlasting possesion; and I shall be a God to them."

That is all the reasoning needed, there is nothing more what to say or argue about. The land of Israel belongs to the Jews not because of the holocaust or any other persecution. It is Jewish land because God wants it to belong to the Jews. Besides for the fact that the Muslims themselves have persecuted Jews throughout the generations so that if persecution is a valid reason to give someone land, the Jews deserve it for that as well.

The problem is, however, that many people believe that Israel was made a safe haven, so to speak. It came as a result of the holocaust, when Jews had nowhere to go, nowhere to turn to, no one to help them, they were left alone without anything to defend themselves with. Israel was supposed to change that. It obviously hasn't, just look at all the bombings and terror attacks on Israelis and Jews in general worldwide. If the only reason for Israel's existence is to guarantee safety to world Jewry, then it has failed its mission. But that isn't the reason for Israel, despite what other people might think, or claim to know. Israel is Jewish land because God deemed it to be, it always belonged to Jews, and forever will. Just because for a while it was stolen and others held it, that does not take away the ownership of the land from its rightful owners.


At 12/08/2005 4:35 PM, Blogger Joe said...

As a Jew who supports Israel, I wish the crazy fundies who support Israel because "that's how God wanted it to be" - such hubris, to think YOU of all people know God's will! - would fade into the background.

Geez, way to make my side look bad.


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