Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Problem

Like I reported in an earlier post about France's troubles, the same holds true for Belgium. Although it's not definite why cars were set ablaze in Belgium, I am quite sure the reasons are the same as in France. Although the Belgian Muslims don't have the excuse of the headscarf ban, they are causing trouble in any case. This is something that I knew for awhile already, that European countries cannot stand up to terrorists, at least they pretend that they can't.
I was in Belgium about a year and a half ago; I was in the central train station in Brussels, the capital. It was early morning when I was traveling, and by the time I'd reach my destination, in Holland, it would be afternoon. Therefore I decided to pray the morning prayers before I got on the train. So I went and found a quiet corner were there were no people and hardly anyone walking by, and figured that this would be a nice place for me to pray without being disturbed. As I was praying two Muslims came up behind me, and were speaking rather loudly and quickly in Arabic. I didn't understand everything they were saying being that my Arabic is a bit rusty. I did, however, understand a word that they repeated a few time: Yahud (Jew).
I turned around to face them and saw that they were looking right at me and walking straight towards me. I assumed they were looking for a fight, so I stood up and looked them straight in the eye. I gave them "the look," the one which says that I mean business. If they wanted a fight, that was fine, but it would be a fight to the end. They were apparently not looking for a fight that goes to the end and decided to walk away instead. Perhaps they didn't think a Jew would stand up to them and not be afraid of their threats.
As soon as they left I went back to my prayers. Before long I was again disturbed, this time by Belgian security. They asked me to please leave and not to pray in the station. There was no law against praying there, there was no law banning me from being in the station. However, for my safety, they urged me to listen to them. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Instead of protecting an innnocent person who has never done anything wrong, never broke any laws or vandalized property, they chose to side with the aggressors. This is because they are afraid to stand up, look terrorism square in the eye, and put their foot down.
I have an amazing idea for these countries. Why not put all innocent, law abiding, tax paying citizens behind bars with electric fences and barbed wire. No one will be able to get in or out, so their safety will be guaranteed. Let the killers and rapists run loose in the streets and perhaps they might just kill themselves out. The job of security forces worldwide is to ensure to safety of its citizens and visitors. Part of that means arresting people who are disturbing the peace and trying to instigate violence on any level.
Nobody is born a serial killer, they build up. First they start off stealing candy from a store, then they start mugging people until they reach a point where human life is valueless. To prevent big crimes from happening, you have to crack down on the new guys trying to work their way up the ladder of crime. As long as a government can't realize its responsibilities, its future is in question. Like those of France and Belgium, and, sad to say, many others.


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