Monday, December 12, 2005


There was this column in the New York Daily News yesterday in which the columnist, Michael Goodwin, described the advantages of gay marriage over the traditional marriage. Although he raised some valid points, that wedlock is all too common and many babies are born to single moms, they do not, however, validate gay marriage.
He mentioned the fact that many traditional marriages "are often a disaster for kids." Whatever problems there are that are causing these disasters will not disappear through gay marriage. The problems that are being faced regarding single moms and wedlock needs to be addressed and sorted out. Allowing gay marriage is not the solution. These single moms didn't become pregnant as a result of their homosexuality. The only thing gay marriage will accomplish is to destroy the meaning of a marriage with a husband and wife, which are by definition male and female respectively, as is father and mother.
Perhaps a perfect world will be when there is only gay marriage. Perhaps the traditional marriage should be banned in order to avoid "disaster for kids." What would result would be a new depiction of marriage. There would be two men or two women who adopt a child, who no doubt was born out of wedlock. Homosexuality is immoral, and should not be approved by law. If people have problems they should try to find help to correct it. Changing the law is not an option. Perhaps we should free serial killers who kill for fun, and change the law to actually allow it. These people are, after all, sick and they are therefore hurting others. If we allow these immoral acts to become law we will be laying the foundation of the destruction of humanity as we know it today.
Everyone will agree that it is beneficial for children to grow up in a home with parents, rather than only one. However, two fathers or two mothers instead of one parent may not be the solution. This is because the message that we should be giving over to our children and to future generations (if not for their sake, at least for ours) is that immoality is unaccaptable no matter the situation a person finds themsleves in.


At 12/26/2005 12:58 PM, Blogger Tamara said...

Your post disgusts me. How can you even begin to compare freeing serial killers to gay marriage and child rearing? This thought is disgusting. You have the right to not condone gay marriage, I can respect that. BUT, you should NEVER compare what two people do in their bedroom as something as deplorable as murder. I think you should talk to grown children of gay marriages or simply the children of parents who are gay and see if their lifestyle really messes them up. I, like you, want to get married and raise a family, I'm not , but I know tolerance. I know more than a few people whose parents are gay. Guess what...they are VERY well adjusted, giving and contributing members of society. They were not taught that everyone should be gay, this is NOT part of the gay agenda.

I wish people like you would simply have some tolerance. Remember, it's Hashem's job to judge, it's our job to love our neighbors and show humanity for all of Hashem's children. I wish you peace and hope that someday you realize that murderers and gays are NOT equal.


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