Friday, March 03, 2006

Purim in Nazareth

As reported by the Israeli paper Haaretz, a mentally deranged Jew from Jerusalem, together with his Christian wifre and daughter attempted to celebrate Purim today in Nazareth. They hid firecrackers in a baby stroller and detonated the firecrackers during prayers on Friday. Police were called in to restrain the crowd outside who wanted to attack the firecrackerers. Israeli EMS (Magen David Adom) was unable to reach him after he was injured in the head; crowds had attacked an ambulance forcing it to leave.

The deranged extremist came to Yasser Arafat's headquarters in Ramallah, and told Arafat that the Israelis wanted to take away his daughter from him. Therefore he wanted to remain in PA-controlled areas. Arabs leaders are
blaming the Israeli government for not being firm enough against such extremists. The Israeli attitude encourages Jewish extremists to perform such acts of violence and terror, they said.

As if they care about the holiness of churches. Last week they were bombing mosques, and this week they're busy defending attacks against churches. Attacks that caused no direct damage to the church. Labor Party Chairman Amir Peretz said, "Any attempt to damage holy sites destroys the delicate relations between different faiths in Israel." Where was he when, after the Israeli expulsion of Jews from Gaza this summer, the synagogues in Gaza were being burned and destroyed by Palestinians? Does that not matter to anyone?! Only if someone throws a firecracker in a church in Nazareth or blows off the dome of a mosque in Iraq will people feel outraged. We live in a sad world, where equality is a word in the
dictionary, but means nothing in actuality.


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